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Management and Control Software Energy Sentinel Web
On line everywhere in simple way
Energy Sentinel WEB is an application Server which allows you to get an access via remote to acquired data and to analyze them, through simple and intuitive WEB pages. The use of this WEB application on a Server makes possible the best security concerning the availability and reliability of the system, allowing also a plant control to the highest performance of energy efficiency (KPI).
Our SW is in constantly evolving, with frequent updates adding new features to the platform. Its flexibility and potential are attested by thousands of our customers using this kind of solution. The dealing with the software with every kind of instrument, meter or device, allows you to avoid HW replacement in existing plants. With a wide measurement range (voltage, radiation, energy consumptions etc..), it covers several application fields: from small industry to administrative offices, from big warehouses to big industries. ISO 50001 certified companies, system integrators, energy managers, energy consulting firms and ESCO can take significant advantages by using the platform. Despite the SW’s high range of settings and configurations, it remains intuitive and lets you meet with complex requirements such as real time or historical data display, activities or alarms management, fully customizable synoptic or monthly reports.
The software, was born to be multi-user and multi-site, and it allows the following functions:
Through its graphical interface, simple and intuitive, it’s also possible to: