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Wire type series
SIFL - Wire type series - 4 - 8 m wire lenght

Bidirectional version with and without zero
Electronics: OCN = open collector NPN, OCP = open collector PNP, SN = NPN, SP = PNP, EA = PUSH-PULL, EAP = PUSH-PULL protetto, E2A = PUSH-PULL - LINE DRIVER, E2AP = PUSH-PULL - LINE DRIVER protetto
Power supply: 1 = 5 Vcc, 2 = 10 ÷ 30 Vcc, 3 = 8 ÷ 15 Vcc, 9 = 11 ÷ 30 Vcc
Versions: CA= Straight cable L = 3 m - CR= Angled cable L = 3 m - MP3A = 4-pins solenoid connector - MA = 7-pins straight military connector - MR = 7-pins angled military connector - M1A = 10-pins straight military connector - M1R = 10-pins angled military connector
IP protection: IP54 - IP65 - IP67