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D.c. compact block type
OCV51/D - 29 x 40 x 15 mm block type - Diffuse type versions

Sensing distance: D2= 400 mm
Teach-in key for autocalibration and sensing distance setting
Cable and M12 connector output
PNP + NPN - 5-wire NO / NC versions
OCV51/C - 29 x 40 x 15 mm block type - Reflex type with rear reflector

Reflex type sensing distance: 2000 mm (3000 mm with Ø80mm reflector)
Teach-in key for autocalibration and sensing distance setting
Cable and M12 connector output
PNP + NPN - 5-wire NO / NC versions
OCV51/B - P - 29 x 40 x 15 mm block type - Beam type ( Sender + Receiver )

Teach-in key for autocalibration and sensing distance setting
Cable and M12 connector output
PNP + NPN - 5-wire NO / NC versions
OCV52/D - 40 x 29 x 15 mm block type - Diffuse type versions

Sensing distance: D2= 400 mm
Teach-in key for autocalibration and sensing distance setting
Cable and M12 connector output
PNP + NPN - 5-wire NO / NC versions
OCV52/C - 40 x 29 x 15 mm block type - Reflex type with rear reflector

Reflex type sensing distance: 2000 mm (3000 mm with Ø80mm reflector)
Teach-in key for autocalibration and sensing distance setting
Cable and M12 connector output
PNP + NPN - 5-wire NO / NC versions
OCV52/B - P - 40 x 29 x 15 mm block type - Beam type ( Sender + Receiver )

Teach-in key for autocalibration and sensing distance setting
Cable and M12 connector output
PNP + NPN - 5-wire NO / NC versions
D.c. compact block type
OCV51/D - 29 x 40 x 15 mm block type - Diffuse type versions
OCV51/C - 29 x 40 x 15 mm block type - Reflex type with rear reflector
OCV51/B - P - 29 x 40 x 15 mm block type - Beam type ( Sender + Receiver )
OCV52/D - 40 x 29 x 15 mm block type - Diffuse type versions
OCV52/C - 40 x 29 x 15 mm block type - Reflex type with rear reflector
OCV52/B - P - 40 x 29 x 15 mm block type - Beam type ( Sender + Receiver )