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Programmable Counters - Timers - Revolution
XTM1 - 5 digits multifunction counters - Dimensions: 48 x 48 mm

5 digits bididirectional counter
Dimensions: 48 x 48 x 100 mm
Power supply: 24 Vac - 110 Vac - 230 Vac - 24 Vdc
(XTM10) Incators only or (XTM13) two preset present counter models
Reset input and count block
Counter - Timer - Revolution counter configurable
Decimal point and inpunt frequency count programming
Time base and resolution programming (timer setting)
Count divisor and count multiplier programming (speed counter setting)
XTM5 - 6 digits multifunction counters - Dimensions: 72 x 72 mm

6 digits bididirectional counter
Dimensions: 72 x 72 x 100 mm
Power supply: 24 Vac - 110 Vac - 230 Vac - 24 Vdc
(XTM50) Incators only or (XTM53) two preset present counter models
Reset input and count block
Counter - Timer - Revolution counter configurable
Decimal point and inpunt frequency count programming
Time base and resolution programming (timer setting)
Count divisor and count multiplier programming (speed counter setting)
XTM6 - 6 digits multifunction counters - Dimensions: 96 x 48 mm

6 digits bididirectional counter
Dimensions: 96 x 48 x 100 mm
Power supply: 24 Vac - 110 Vac - 230 Vac - 24 Vdc
(XTM60) Incators only or (XTM63) two preset present counter models
Reset input and count block
Counter - Timer - Revolution counter configurable
Decimal point and inpunt frequency count programming
Time base and resolution programming (timer setting)
Count divisor and count multiplier programming (speed counter setting)
Programmable Counters - Timers - Revolution
XTM1 - 5 digits multifunction counters - Dimensions: 48 x 48 mm
XTM5 - 6 digits multifunction counters - Dimensions: 72 x 72 mm
XTM6 - 6 digits multifunction counters - Dimensions: 96 x 48 mm