Programmable Counters - Totalizers - Timers
CTY12 - 4 digits bidirectional counter - timers - Dimensions: 48 x 48 mm

4 digits bidirectional counters - timers
Dimensions: 48 x 48 x 100 mm
Power supply: 24 Vac - 110 Vac - 230 Vac - 24 Vdc
Double display: count and preselection
Universal inputs: PNP - NPN - NAMUR - MECHANICAL
Decimal point and input frequency programming
Time base and resolution programming
Input mode counter (counter setting) programming
Input mode timer (timer setting) programming
CTY52 - 4 digits bidirectional counter - timers - Dimensions: 72 x 72 mm

4 digits bidirectional counters - timers
Dimensions: 72 x 72 x 100 mm
Power supply: 24 Vac - 110 Vac - 230 Vac - 24 Vdc
Double display: count and preselection
Universal inputs: PNP - NPN - NAMUR - MECHANICAL
Decimal point and input frequency programming
Time base and resolution programming
Input mode counter (counter setting) programming
Input mode timer (timer setting) programming
CTY60 - 6 digits bidirectional counter - totalizer - Dimensions: 96 x 48 mm

6 digits bidirectional counters - totalizers
Dimensions: 96 x 48 x 100 mm
Power supply: 24 Vac - 110 Vac - 230 Vac - 24 Vdc
Display: count and setup steps
Universal inputs: PNP - NPN - NAMUR - MECHANICAL
Internal keyboard programming
Time base and resolution programming
Decimal point and inpunt frequency programming
CBM6 - 6 digits programmable counters - Dimensions: 96 x 48 mm

6 digits bididirectional counter
Dimensions: 96 x 48 x 100 mm
Power supply: 24 Vac - 110 Vac - 230 Vac - 24 Vdc
Display: count and setup steps
(CBM60) Incators only, (CBM63) two preset or (CBM65) four present counter models
(R) Serial communication or (LE) analog output models
Reset input and count block
Time base and resolution programming
Decimal point and inpunt frequency count programming
Programmable Counters - Totalizers - Timers
CTY12 - 4 digits bidirectional counter - timers - Dimensions: 48 x 48 mm
CTY52 - 4 digits bidirectional counter - timers - Dimensions: 72 x 72 mm
CTY60 - 6 digits bidirectional counter - totalizer - Dimensions: 96 x 48 mm
CBM6 - 6 digits programmable counters - Dimensions: 96 x 48 mm