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Motor running and motor starting capacitors
Motor running & motor starting capacitors are designed for obtaining an auxiliary phase in single-phase and three-phase motors connected to a single phase.
Types of capacitors and their use:
KNM 12xx, 22xx and 32xx – they are used for obtaining an auxiliary phase in single-phase motors and in three-phase motors connected to a single-phase.They can be used also for other purposes, such as in industrial electronics in electronics circuits where capacitors are lower pulse loaded (Class P0).
KNM 31xx (obratovalni) – they are used for obtaining an auxiliary phase in single-phase motors and in three-phase motors connected to a single-phase (Class P0).
KNM 31xx (zagonski) – they are used for obtaining an auxiliary phase in single-phase motors and in three-phase motors connected to a single-phase (Class P0).
KNM 80xx – they are used for obtaining an auxiliary phase in single-phase motors and in three-phase motors connected to a single-phase (Class P2).