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Low voltage power factor correction capacitors
The KNK capacitors are used for power factor correction of inductive consumers (transformers, electric motors, rectifiers) in industrial networks for voltages up to 690 V.
Types of capacitors and their use:
KNK 1053 - dry type – for compensation of reactive energy at inductive users (transformers, electromotors) under industrial voltage up to 660 V.
KNK 5015 – for compensation of reactive energy at inductive users (transformers, electromotors) under industrial voltage up to 550 V.
KNK 5065 - 6049 – for compensation of reactive energy at inductive users (transformers, electromotors) under industrial voltage up to 525 V.
KNK 9101 and 9141 – for compensation of reactive energy at inductive users (transformers, electromotors) under industrial voltage up to 660V.
KNK 9103 - 9143 – for compensation of reactive energy at inductive users (transformers, electromotors) under industrial voltage up to 660 V.
KNKC 9053 - dry type – for compensation of reactive energy at inductive users (transformers, electromotors) under industrial voltage up to 525 V.
KNKD 1103 – for compensation of reactive energy at inductive users (transformers, electromotors) under industrial voltage up to 525 V.