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Capacitors for use in electronics
Capacitors for use in electronics are used mainly in electronic circuits. An application of a single capacitor type depends on the capacitor dielectric. Capacitor’s construction can include metallized dielectric (self-regenerative) or Al-film.
Polyester, policarbonate and polypropylene films can be used as a dielectric. Capacitors with a polyester dielectric are used in electronic devices where wide temperature range of application is demanded and where special characteristics of electrical parameters are not demanded.
Metals like aluminium and alloys from aluminium and zinc are used for metallization of dielectrics.
Types of capacitors and their use:
KEU 1012, KEU 1910 - metallized polyester capacitors – in electronic devices as audio, video and measurement devices, medical and electrical equipment and devices in industrial electronics.
KNI 1910 - metallized polypropylene capacitors – in electronic devices as audio, video and measurement devices, medical and electrical equipment and devices in industrial electronics.
KLI 1910 - metallized polypropylene capacitors – in electronic devices as audio, video and measurement devices, medical and electrical equipment and devices in industrial electronics.
KNU - polypropylene capacitors – in electronic devices as audio, video and measurement devices, medical and electrical equipment and devices in industrial electronics.
KFU - polyester capacitors – in electronic devices as audio, video and measurement devices, medical and electrical equipment and devices in industrial electronics.